Adventure in any Direction
Direction is defined as the path that someone takes to reach a specific place...
At River Rock, we help you find your path, your direction. We help you choose the right gear based on where you are going, how long you will be gone, and your experience level. We don’t rely on a particular brand, or a piece of gear recommended by an athlete or brand ambassador. Choosing gear is personal and deserves a personalized experience.
Finding adventure in any direction is a two-way street. We share our experiences and learn from your adventure tales. At River Rock we share stories and pictures are encouraged.
Everyone takes a different path to reach their destination. Some move fast and light, logging summit views on every corner of the globe. Others stop to enjoy the sites and sounds on trail, meandering without a particular goal or distance in mind.
Regardless of your adventure style we carry gear, apparel, and footwear to keep you safe and happy for whatever direction you take.