Christine Reed



Alone in Wonderland is a beautifully written account of Christine Reed's adventure of discovery; not only of nature, but also of her place in contemporary society. Christine Reed is adept at bringing you along on her journey through her detailed descriptions of what she has seen as well as what she has thought.



Christine discovered long distance backpacking while surfing the internet at work. She decided that day to attempt to thru-hike the Appalachian Trail. One adventure led to another and a few years later she set out on the Wonderland Trail in Mt Rainier National Park. 

Her Rugged Outdoors Woman persona started as a joke, a nod to the outdoor adventurer that she wished to be. But in the years since, she has come into her own as a backpacker, rock climber, and trail runner. This book is a testament to the decision to name who you want to be and make it so.

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Shipping & Returns

They let me loose on the website so I’m going bananas!   

Because you are awesome, like me, I’m offering Free Standard Shipping on most orders over $150.  Free shipping does not include oversized items.  Seriously, were you expecting me to ship you a kayak for free??

You are going to be happy with your purchase.  Trust me, I know these things.  However, if your new gear doesn’t bring you joy, like a cold banana smoothie on a hot summer’s day, then return it for a replacement or a refund.  Don’t ruin it for the next person – make sure your item is unused and returned without destroying the packaging.  We’re not animals here!

I’m feeling generous so I’m going to give you 90-days to make a return.  Plenty of time for your mate to forgot you purchased it then you can casually slip it into your gear bag and forget all about returning it in the first place.  No judgment from this monkey.

Don’t be cheap…I can’t accept returns on clearance or consignment items.  Even this monkey has its limits.  Just give it to your best mate as a birthday or holiday gift.  Like they say around here…pass the adventure on!

If I’ve left anything out then you can catch the details at: 
              > Shipping Policy

              > Return & Refund Policy
Ok, enough from me, now buy the thing already.

Rocky mascot image

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